Week 1: He's On The Way

Scripture: Mark 13:24-27
"But in those days, after that suffering, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see 'the Son of Man coming in clouds' with great power and glory. Then he will send out the angels, and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven.
He’s On the Way
I have always enjoyed going out to different events and social gatherings. I love the process of getting dressed and preparing to engage in conversation, being entertained, or even participating in these types of events. Though I have been to more events than I could ever try to count; there is one thing that is always common. Outside of a worship service, just about any event that I’ve attended, I was late for. It’s not that I wasn’t always prepared, it’s not that I always poorly managed my time, it’s not that I’m always stuck in traffic; but more likely than not I’m attending multiple events on the same day. People will send us (my wife and I) invitations for events and we would literally have to lay out the invitations and pull out our phones to see what is the best manner to maneuver to ensure that we can make it to all of these events. As I prepare to leave one event, I’m normally greeted with a phone call from someone at the next event. This phone call normally comes with one of these familiar statements “I thought you were coming” or “Where are you Guys?”. To which I typically respond, that I am on the way.
            Just like my friends can trust that I was truly on the way, there is another man who is on the way. He came down forty and two generations, He was the lamb brought to the slaughter, He is the Messiah whom the prophets spoke of. He is God’s only Son, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, Was Crucified, Died and was Buried; He descended to the dead, On the third day He rose again, He ascended into heaven, He is seated at the right hand of the Father, and He will come to judge the living and the dead. He told us that He is the bread of life, He is the light of the world, He is the door of the sheep, He is the good shepherd, He is the resurrection and the life, He is the way, the truth, and the life, and that He is the true vine. His name is Jesus Christ of Nazareth and He is on the way. It has become a bit cliché to talk about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ because of the way the church has been discussed in years prior. There have been many gimmicks about the coming of Christ in the past years. People have acted as if they had a monopoly on the information from Heaven to the extent that they have engaged others as if they are speaking for God. These events have caused for there to be a lack of hope and excitement on the surprise that Jesus is truly on the way.
            I have come to realize that many people don’t find comfort in hearing that Jesus is coming, and depending on where you come from, you may have heard of the many false announcements of his return. Though I believe in the second coming of Christ which is described throughout the New Testament, I believe that He is enroute to us on a personal level. Everyone has a personal encounter with Christ and a different experience with Christ when He arrives. I remember going to prayer meetings and hearing the late deacon, Deacon Gary, praying. No matter how long he prayed, no matter what he was praying about; I knew that at some point in the prayer he would say: “Lord, some need you for one thing, others need you for another; but we all have a need”. His prayer suggested that we all needed Christ to manifest Himself in different means in all of our lives. Though this text discusses the 2nd Coming of Christ, it is important for us to remember that Jesus holds more meaning in our lives than the fact that He is coming back.
            The manner of which I recall Jesus is not simply as the one who will return to judge, but also as the one who will come to meet my needs when I need Him most. While this text has simply lifted itself as an apocalyptic text, but also has a very relevant text for whatever the need is that I need Jesus to meet. The author strategic places this passage amidst some challenges that would face the readers. It is very prophetic and relevant about the shifts that will take place in the lives of these readers. It marks the foretelling of a devastating time in the lives of the Jewish community and of the followers of Jesus. Both the Persecution of the church and the Destruction of the Temple are difficult times to have endured. We are still feeling the effects today, but these two things serve as a reminder of the things that are to come. The thing for us to remember as individuals is that when things go wrong in our lives, we often take the stance of the worse, and we begin to think primarily about the end. With this apocalyptic state of Mind, God offers us three things for us to consider as a reminder for the status of Jesus’s arrival.

The Announcement:
There are some announcements that take place to make us aware of the upcoming shifts that will take place. Some of the things that we are facing are often the sign of the announcement. These announcements are not as eye-catching as the information about the next youth trip. It is not the announcement of the Outreach ministry needing Volunteers for their next service project. This announcement is that the Lord is coming. We still don’t know when, where, or how he will get here, but it assures that He is on the way. In our text, we see that the signs of Christ’s second coming are that there will be suffering, the sun will be darkened, the moon won’t give off its light, the stars will fall from heaven and the powers of heaven will be shaken. The announcement comes in the midst of a time where there is no hope. There have been many times within the history of our American people, which showed the signs that Christ was on the way. When we can’t find justice at any hand, here comes an announcement. When the enemy comes in like a flood here comes an announcement. When every weapon formed against you seems like its prospering, here comes an announcement. When you are sick, and can’t seem to get well; here comes an announcement. When you’ve been paying your tithes, but you can’t seem to catch a break; here comes an announcement. On the Day of our Greatest defeat, here comes the Announcement; and the announcement is that Jesus is on the way for you! Jesus is not taking his time to get to you, but is actually trying to remind of the promise that He is coming to us soon. But not only do I know He’s on the way because of the Announcement, but also of His Appearance.

The Appearance:
            This literally suggests that no matter the situation, or the circumstance, Jesus has the ability to show up in the middle of it. After such a time, there will no longer be any announcements of the coming of Christ but He will be here. This text discloses that He will come in on the clouds, mirroring the image of his triumphant entry on Palm Sunday. He will showcase His glory and at the moment of our despair and adversity, Here He will come. He’ll come in riding on a cloud, mirroring his triumphant entry. At that moment, all adversity will fall and all the cares of this world for His true followers will be no more. Seeing Him will settle the debate on the actuality of God, for those who are atheist. Seeing Him will prove that the scriptures are truly the infallible and inerrant word of God. Seeing Him will settle the debate on what takes place after this life. Seeing Him will make the things that had us bound, let us go. Seeing Him will cause demons to leave us alone. Seeing Him will put an end to all of our cares and concerns. At the sight of His appearing, our faith will be realized and the glory of Christ will be revealed.

The Assembling:
            While we all may be excited for the appearing of Christ, all will not be excited about the assembling of the followers. It will be difficult to see that some will go up with Him, while others of our church member, other members of our communities, our co-workers and family members will not be going up with Him. It will also be surprising who He gathers. People who are not members of our local churches, people who we thought the least of, people who we, The Christians, have marginalized. And it is important for us to remember that these people will not only be American. America has a manner of making God into the likes of an American; but the text tells us that He will gather his elect or his followers for the four winds of the Earth.

No matter who, or where you are, Christ will gather you from there. He’s on His Way for you! It doesn’t matter if you are Black, or White. It doesn’t matter if you are Latino or Asian. It doesn’t matter if you are European or African. It doesn’t matter if you are the Haves or the Have Nots. It doesn’t matter if you are Old or Young. It doesn’t matter if you are Illiterate or Literate. It doesn’t matter if you are Bound or Free. It doesn’t matter if you are a Leader or a Follower. It doesn’t matter who you are because wherever or whoever you are; Christ is on His way for you! If you love the lord, and are called according to His purpose, He is on His way to you.  If you are not ashamed of the Gospel, He is on His way to you. If you are a slave to the work of the gospel, He is on His way to you. And I am rejoicing about His return because I’m living to be in the number, on that Glad Morning Because:

            Some glad morning, we shall see, Jesus in the air
Coming after you and me, joy is ours to share
What rejoicing there will be, when the saints shall rise
Headed for that jubilee, yonder in the skies


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